David Robinson bio photo

David Robinson

Director of Engineering at Contentsquare

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This month I got to attend the Career Day from the Metis Data Science bootcamp, where Metis graduates finished their 12-week intensive data science training by presenting a project. I’m a fan of the Metis program and I was really impressed at both the content of the analyses and the communication skills and focus the graduates showed (communicating a data science project in a four minute lightning talk is tough and they were up to the challenge!).

I believe in live-tweeting talks and Career Day was no exception:

Also in this cohort was my sister Emily Robinson, who is starting her career in data science and had done the perfect project for it:

In the process I got a few responses asking if the slides were available. I feel strongly that talks should be available somewhere online (as “public artifacts”), so afterwards I volunteered to host the graduates’ slides, along with their professional information, here on my blog. Below you can find the information, including slides and sometimes project links, from about half the cohort.

I think there’s nothing like an example of work to examine a candidate’s skills. So if you’re looking to hire data analysts or scientists, you should read through their projects and/or CVs and get in touch with them!

Talks from the Metis Summer 2016 Cohort

Bryant Biggs

Talk: smartImport

Social: GitHub, LinkedIn

Email: bryantbiggs at gmail dot com

Brian Cocolicchio

Talk: Survival Analysis of NFL Running Backs

Social: LinkedIn

Kevin Cole

Talk: Playing to Win with Social Media

Social: GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter

Email: colekev at gmail dot com

Michelle Gill

Talk: WINE-O.AI: Computer Vision Assisted Wine Recommendations (project link, code, video)

Social: GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter

Avi Grunwald

Talk: Analyzing Federal Reserve Meeting Minutes (project link)

Social: GitHub, LinkedIn

Michael Laster

Talk: When should an MLB manager challenge?

Social: LinkedIn

Email: michael dot laster at alum dot yu dot edu

Adam Levin

Talk: Golf Meets Machine Learning (project link)

Social: GitHub, LinkedIn

Email: awl44 at me dot com

Yulia Piterbarg

Talk: Predicting Fraud in World Bank Projects (project link)

Social: GitHub, LinkedIn

Email: jpiterbarg at gmail dot com

Sravanthi Ponnana

Talk: Hotel Recommender System (project link)

Social: GitHub, LinkedIn

Emily Robinson

Talk: Data Science for Data Scientists: How to Get a Job (project link)

Social: GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter

Email: robinson dot es at gmail dot com

Allison Schlissel

Talk: Eye of the Beholder: A Met Gallery Recommender (project link)

Social: GitHub, LinkedIn

Alan Schoen

Talk: Fishing for Retweets (project link)

Social: GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter

Email: alanschoen at gmail dot com

PS If you’re interested in learning more about hiring Metis graduates you can also reach out to employ@thisismetis.com.